Time to gear up

It got empty in The Vents after 0BER1N had gone missing. The need for weapons and armor is now greater than it ever was. The Vents aren't a safe place anymore.

Your job now is to get Tactical Gear from the new dealer. He deals Tactical Gear items in packs of six. Body armor, primary weapons, gloves. You name it, he has it.

Find three similar items and forge them into a Forged Gear item. These are stronger than their Tactical equivalent and bring more utility in the future. You can also forge one of the 174 Apartment Keys. These give you access to our Webb3 Apartment.

Apartment Key
Ethereal Rail Gun of the Ebony Door
Spider Drone of the Kami
Neo Sai


How many NFTs are in a pack?

For each pack that you mint the dealer will deliver six randomly selected Tactical Gear NFTs to your wallet.

Compound Bow

What does one pack of Tactical Gear cost?

The dealer will charge you 0.025 ETH for a single pack of six Tactical Gear NFTs.

Is there a discount for V1 Gear holders?

0BER1N did not forget you. V1 Gear holders are given the the chance to mint the same amount of V2 Gear for free. But only as long as there is Tactical Gear available. We don't do reservations on these streets.

Spider Drone

How much Tactical and Forged Gear is out there?

There's a total of 4.444 packs of Tactical Gear available. That means 26.664 Tactical Gear NFTs in total. But, by forging the total supply will decrease. If all Tactical Gear is forged into Forged Gear, there will be a total of 8.888 Forged Gear items.

How does forging work?

When you collect three Tactical Gear items of the same type you can forge these into a Forged Gear item or one of the 174 Apartment Keys. By forging you burn the three Tactical NFTs and a new NFT is being minted in our ForgedGear or Keys contract. There are no extra costs for forging gear, apart from the gas.

Where is the artwork stored?

The 0N1 Gear artwork is stored fully on-chain. We even made it possible to utilize our artwork by other smart contracts.

Where can I find the contracts and collections?

You can check out the contracts here: Tactical Gear, Forged Gear, Apartment Keys. The collections on OpenSea are here: Tactical Gear, Forged Gear, Apartment Keys


Can I build on top of 0N1 Gear?

Absolutely! We even added some public methods to the smart contracts that allow other developers to use our assets and get the details of gear items.

Who created 0N1 Gear?

0N1 Gear V2 is created and maintained by Fortune Yellers and St4rdust, two 0N1 community members that were also part of the V1 team.


What will the future bring?

Nothing is ever certain in The Vents, that's for sure. But we have some ideas: hosting events in our Apartment, hold raffles and eventually let 0N1 battle each other using the Forged Gear items.

Can I join the community?

Absolutely! Join the 0N1 Force Discord and find us in the “0n1-gear” channel.